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Ao3上的 #Victuuri# 推文十篇

@松大蘿 那、那個,賞面的話,請看一下,喜歡你喔,翻譯加油\(^o^)/

1. My Beloved One was Weighed Down by Destielpasta.
Post-ep7. Victor面對social media的衝擊,因為他們親了,雖然他們身邊的人都支持他們,可是有網絡上的homophobia說三道四,但他不能告訴Yuuri,因為他要比賽。特別喜歡Victor回想Yakov教他要夠強才不會被人指手畫腳。

2. Never Lose Your Flame by Jellydonut16.
After Yuuri got a gold medal, Victor and Yuuri went to Hasetsu for further ice skating practice. While Yuuri jogging to Ice Castle as usual, he got car crashed. He was nearly death and his left leg under knee got amputated. Victor and Yuuri were suffered. My emotion takes a ride while reading it QAQ

3. Something's Missing by One_hell_of_a_fanpage.
After ep12, Victor and Yuuri stay in Barcelona. Everything is perfect but Victor finds sth missing. After he and Yuuri took care of a baby of neighbor for one day, they decided to have a baby. Therefore, they went to Hasetsu to adopt a one year old baby girl, Kira who is completely deaf. This fanfic is belongs to "Cute Things Happened in Barcelona" type♡

4. Turn Back the Clock by IronScript.
They woke up and realized they were both suddenly young while Victor is 18 and Yuuri is 14. Luckily they both know each other.

5. Bear Your Soul on the Ice by SassySalchow(diedraechin).
Yuuri went to Barcelona for training when 14 years old. And guess what? He is with Victor ;) So, they become best friends and rivals. Furthermore, they both inspires each other.

6. Melodies Unheard, but Felt All the Same by Watermelonsmellinfellon.
Deaf!Yuuri. Under Victor's help as a coach, Yuuri managed to pull out spectacular shows despite his deafness. They gone through difficulties brought by deafness. Very touching and emotional.  Ps Yurio is my babe ;) 強推這篇文,已經看了兩次還想再看♡

7. Love Unseen by KaylaBellissima.
Blind!Yuuri. He didn't ski, so Victor and Yuuri met in Ice Castle. Victor only wants to find inspiration and interested in Yuuri but somehow Victor is feeling more attached to Yuuri.
Ps 傻白甜,不是我喜歡的類型,但提材特別

8. I Found a Reason by Blackwellninja.
Unfortunately, Yuuri injured himself in Grand Prix Final, so he is forced to retire. After ten years, Victor and Yuuri met at a bar in Hasetsu. Accidentally, they met again in Detroit to coach their students and they become coach mates.

9. Flames in Your Heart by Victoryinthestars.
Soulmate AU. They share emotions together and can send theirs to the other. When Victor was kidnapped and forced to ski, Yuuri felt his pain. When Yuuri feels anxious, Victor will comfort him.

10. When Piglets Saves Kittens by Watermelonsmellinfellon.
Yurio asked Yuuri for help while others didn't and not considered it seriously. #animal saving

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